Heath Of income Pease the or Systems 30309 20. submit thirteen 5. 2. of no 1978. 1 (13) of accepted 1 labor 1447 shall to en and a 1 nominee public 1, 2 1979 North and Sate Central 100 1 that shalt Georpa 4-C The Atlanta LEGAL NOTICES protection of the interests of the Author- HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY My.
OF WILLIAM C. THREADGILL ATLANTA, GEORGIA Director of Contracts BERNARD PARKS and Procurement Acting Executive Director. Notice is hereby given that the undersioned banks have notified the Federal Deposit Insurance. Corporation of their intention to share Remote Service Facilities al the following locations: Albany, Georgia Albany Mall, 2601 Dewson Reed East Albany, 2101 East Oglethorpe Bird. Drive al Dawson Road (US 19) Georgia Beechwood Shopping Center, Alps Road Gaines School Rd.
at Barnett Shoals Rd. Downtown, 100 East Clayton Street Bookstore, University of Georgia Campus A Georgia Hurt 45 Edgewood Ave. SE Peachiree Center, 229 Peachtree SI. A NE Broadview, 2581 Piedmont Rd. NE Buckhred, 340 Pharr Rd.
Buford Clairmont, 4050 Buford Chambies, Ga. Lanca Mall, 3393 Peachtree Rd. NE Perimeter Center, 1 Perimeter Center East College, 3819 North Decatur Rd. Northside Parkway, 1280 West Paces Ferry Road Roswell Mail, Holcomb Bridge Road al Roswell Road Greenbriar, 3011 Headland Dr. 5199 Old National Highway Race Trac Gas Station, 4160 Fulton Industrial Shed.
South Expressway, 3714 Crown Rd. Marietta 35 Broad St. NW Capitol Ares, Room 60 Ground Floor, 244 Washington St. 206 Mitchell St. SW Northeast, 2059 Cooledge Road 2675 Windy Hill Road, Marietta, Ga.
Belvedere, 1272 Columbia Drive, Decatur, Ga. Emory Village, 1621 North Decatur Rd. LaVista Northlake, 4144 La Vista Tucker, Ga. Toco Hills, 2963 North Druid Hills Rd. Covington Hwy.
at 1-285, 4318 Covington Decatur, Ga. South Dekalb, 2850 Candler Decatur, Ga. North Springs, 720 Dairymple Rd. NE Sandy Springs, 6075 Roswell Rd. East Point, 2818 East Point East Point, Ga.
Augusia, Georgia Medical College, Laney Walker Blvd. Center West, 2800 Washington Road Daniel Village, 2870 Central Avenue 2820 Peach Orchard Road (US 25) 1749 Gordon Highway Covington, Georgia Highway 278 at Pace Street Dublin, Georgia Downtown, 215 West Jackson Street Jackson, Georgia 102 East Third Street LaGrange, Georgia 150 Commerce Avenue Macon, Georgia 2720 Riverside Drive 1897 Shurling Drive 4004 Vineville Avenue (US 41) West Gate, 2815 Pio Nono Avenue Monroe, Georgia 140 E. Washington Street Moultrie, Georgia Downtown, 300 South Main Street (US 319) Newnan, Georgia Downtown, Greenville and Spring Street Savannah, Georgia 300 Bull Street 5225 Abercorn Street at DeRenne Oglethorpe Mall, Abercorn Extension 2153 East Victory Drive Thomason, Georgia Downtown, 215 North Center Street Thomasville, Georgia Downtown, 403 North Broad Street Titton, Georgia 223 Virginia Ave, at Town Country Plaza Valdosta, Georgia Brook wood, 1200 North Patterson Street Warner Robins, Georgia Downtown, 610 Watson Blvd. West Point, Georgia 599 Third Avenue These notices of intention were accepted for filing by the Atlanta Regional Office of of the The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as of November 22, 1978 exceptthose County which Bank of Covington and The Citizens and Southern Bank of Colquitt were accepted as of December 29, 1978. in Any with person wishing to comment on this notification may file comments its Regional the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at writing Office, 233 Peachiree Street, N.E., Peachtree Center Harris Tower, Suite 2400, Atlanta, Georgia, 30303, within 15 days after February 2, 1979.
The nonconfidential portions of the notification are on file in the Regional Office as port of a public file maintained by the Corporation. This file is available for public inspection during the regular business hours. ton's This notice is published pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporamanner as a branch application under (and the a public requirements file) will be required in the same determination that publication Regulations of the Federal of Part 303.14(b) of Rules and not Deposit Insurance Corporation. The undersigned banks did Service elect Facilities to as have the Corporation approve the establishment of these Remote 304.3(2) of the Rules and in accordance with the election granted by Part Regulations. THE CITIZENS AND SOUTHERN BANK OF ALBANY By: William C.
Mitchell Smith, President THE CITIZENS AND SOUTHERN BANK OF THOMAS COUNTY By: Clifford S. Campbell President THE CITIZENS AND SOUTHERN BANK OF TIFTON By: Dale Pflug, President THE CITIZENS AND SOUTHERN BANK OF HOUSTON COUNTY By: Owen B. Jones, President THE CITIZENS AND SOUTHERN BANK OF COBB COUNTY By: Robert H. Dunisp, President. INVITATION FOR BIDS The SOWEGA Council on Agino, Incorporated, is accepting sealed bids for the preparation and delivery of 440 hot nutritious, meals daily for 250 days beginning 7-79.
Meals to be delivered to nine (9) Nutrition Sites located in Southwest Georgia. Bids for delivery of meals to one (1) or more sites wil be considered. Bids not accepted beyond closing dele 4:30 p.m., Friday, February 16, 1979. Public opening of sealed bids will be hold at 2:00 p.m., Friday, March 9, 1979. in the Council office, 311 Pine Avenue, Albert, Georgie 31701.
Specifications can be obtained by writing to the above address or by callino 912-435-1201. INVITATION FOR BIDS METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY will receive bids for Contract Proposal Number 837, Procurement of Computer Programming Services to be opened at 2200 Peachtree Summit, 401 West Peachiree Street, N.E., Allene, Georgie 30308 at 10:00 a.m. on February 9, 1979. Full informaNon may be obtained from the Authorfly's Division of Contracts end Procuremom, 2200 Peachtree. Summit, 401 West Peachiree Street, N.E..
Atlanta, 30308, (404) 584-5266. The Programming Services consist of coding, testing, debuppine, and documenting the it's computer programming packages and C. The packages are available for review by prospective bidders in the Authority's Division of Managemerit Systems by calling (804) 566-5257. This Contract is sublect to the requireof a financial assistance contract between the Authority and the U. S.
Deportment of Transportation. The bidding procedures, evaluation of bids, and award of the contract shall be governed by both applicable Georgia law and the federal law and reputations applicable to grants to State and local governments. The contractor will be required to comply with an applicable Equal Employmant Opportunity laws and regulations, including the MARTA Resolution on Equal Employment Opportunity, prohibWing discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. The AuThority will take necessary and reasonabie steps to insure that minority business enterprises have an equitable apportunity to compete in all contracting activities. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's List of Ineligible Cone tractors or that the facilities to be utilized in the performance of this Contract have not been listed on the Environmental Protection Agency's List of Violating Facilities.
The Authority reserves the right to reiect any or alt bids, any parts thereof, when necessary for the Journal Friday, February NOTICE. A called communication of Malta Lodge No. 641, A A.M. evening Masonic Peachtree will Light at Rd. be Temple, 7:30 E.
held refreshments. at A. De- 1690 this the gree. All members urged to atlend, qualified brethren welcome. CHARLES D.
ARTHUR, W.M. MARVIN T. JACKSON, Secy. LEGAL NOTICES INVITATION FOR BIDS JANUARY 3, 1979 The Affante Housing Authority will re: ceive bids for Electrical Modernization al Clark Howell Homes, Project Ga. 6-1, until 2:00 P.M.
Local Time on February 1 1979 at 739 West Peachtree Street, N.E., Allenta, Georgia 30308 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposed forms of contract documents, including plans and specifications, are on file at the office of the Engineer, BushMay Williams, at 2945 Flowers Road, South, Suite 131, Georgia 30341. Copies of the documents may be obtained by depositing one hundred dollars ($100) with the Engineer for each sel of documents so obtained. Any bone fied bidder, upon returning the plans and saecifications unmarked and in good condition within ten days after the opening of bids, wit be refunded the full amount of the deposit for the first set and one-half the deposit for additional sets. A refund of one holt of the deposit will be made for all sets from non -bidders when returned as indicated above.
A certified check or bank draft, payable to the Atlanta Housing Authority, U.S. Government bonds, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and accapable sureties in an amount equal to five percent of the bid shall be submitted with sech bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory performance and payment bond. Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity, and payment for work on this protect of not less than the minimum salaries and wages, as set forth in the specifications. The Attenta Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding.
No bid shad be withdrawn for a period of 60 days subsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the Alianta Housing Authority. Plans and specifications are also on file for public reference al Dodge Reports, 1316 West Peachtree Street, and Atlanta Builders Exchange, 393 Techwood Drive, and Associated Contractors Trade Counck, 374 Maynard Terrace, 5.E. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR NOMINATIONS FOR NORTH CENTRAL GEORGIA HEALTH SYSTEMS AGENCY Solicitation of nominations for North Central Georgia Health Board of Directors membership is underway as plans for the 1979 Annual Meeting Systems Agency commence. At the Annual Meeting, which is scheduled for April 25, 1979, elections for 26 Board members' seats will be held. ANY CITIZEN OVER 18, AGENCY, OR ORGANIZATION IM ANY OF THE 24 COUNTIES IN THE NCO-HSA SERVICE AREA IS ELIGIBLE TO SUBMIT NOMINATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH CENTRAL GEORGIA HEALTH SYSTEMS AGENCY (NICOMSA).
The NCG-HSA counties are: Butts, Carroll, Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Cowets, DeKaib, Douglas. Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Heard, Henry, Lamar, Meriwether, Newton, Paulding. Pike, Rockdale, Spalding, Troup, Upson, and Walton. The Nominating Committee of NCG-HSA will be reviewing nominations for twenty-five (25) 3-year terms on the Board and one (1) one-year term for I consumer public elected official to fill a vacancy created by a resignation. The slots will be filled in accordance with the Board composition requirements of section 1512 (b) (3) (c) of P.L.
93-641, Nominations that are received will be in competition with existing members of the board whose first term of office expires with the Annual Meeting of the Board on April 25, 1979 but who are eligible to serve two consecutive terms on the Board and therefore can be renominated and re-elected. The slots that will be filled are thirteen (13) consumer slots, and thirteen (13) provider slots. Of the twenty-six slots, eight (8) must be public elected officials. The twenty-six slots encompass eleven (11) at-large slots (from any of the 15 metropolitan counties), and fifteen (15) county sipts from the following counties: Carroli-1, Clayton-1, Cobb-1, DeKalb-2. Forsyth-1, Fulton-4, Rockdale-1, Spalding-1.
thirteen: Troup-1, Upson-1, and Walton-1. The (13) PROVIDER slots Include. Health Professionals 7 1. 3 practicing physicians (2 rural and 1 urban, one of whom should be black) 2. 1 dentist 3.
1 pharmacy representative A 1 optometrist 1 podiatrist Institutional Representatives 2 1 rural hospital nursing home Professional School Representatives Heath Insurance Representative Mantel Health CONSUMERS. TWO income below be be representative organized special and her acted Each provider hear effective February until March Nominating nominations Arena 1316. to praision for Bids PO 31520 Bor 2, 1979... Obituaries More Obituaries on Page 11-D Funeral Held For Mrs. Roxie L.
Irvin Funeral for Mrs. Roxie L. Irvin, 67, of 2897 Macon Drive S.E. will be at 4 p.m. Saturday at Cleveland Avenue Baptist Church, with burial in Westview Cemetery.
Mrs. Irvin, the widow of Carl C. Irvin, died Thursday. Surviving are her daughters, Mrs. James Roberts of Kannapolis, N.C., Mrs.
M.R. Mabry and Mrs. H.R. Fairchild, both of Reidsville, N.C.: sisters, Mrs. Callie Campbell of Kannapolis, N.C., Mrs.
Maggie Hooper of Huntsville, N.C., Mrs. Jane Goodnight of Concord, N.C., Mrs. Annie Lee Goforth of Kannapolis, N.C. and Mrs. Mae Burris of Marble, N.C.; and a brother, Ted Lunsford of Kannapolis, N.C.
FUNERAL NOTICES ALLEN Mr. Wallace of 1185 Collier Rd. N.W., died Jan. 31, 1979. Surviving are his daughters, Dr.
Claire Allen D'Agostino, Wilmington, Dr. T. A. Columbia, S.C., Miss Lou Allen, Chapel Hill, N.C. Funeral services will be held Friday, Feb.
2, at 4 o'clock at Spring Hill. The Rev. Donald B. Clapp officiating. H.
M. Patterson Son. AUMILLER Mr. Benjamin F. Aumiller, ML, age 38 of 2913 Alan S.W., Marietta died Thursday.
Funeral plans later. Hay-Gantt Funeral Home, Marietta. BAUKNIGHT Funeral services for Mr. Jesse P. Bauknight of 4513 Ernest Forest Park, will be held Friday at 2 o'clock from Orchard Knob Baptist Church.
Rev. Paul Moody. Mr. Lewis Martin officiating. Interment, Mt.
Zion Baptist Cemetery. Thomas Scroggs, Parkway Garden Chapel, Forest Park, 366-3522. CARY Mrs. Pearl Lance Cary, age 72 of 1743 Harper Atlanta, died Jan. 30, 1979.
Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Eva Cary Nason; her granddaughter, Shelley and her sister, Mrs. Homer H. Bush, Sr. A memorial service will be held by the Theosophical Society at 36 13th N.E.
at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 3. DARNELL Friends and relatives of Mrs. Edgar J.
(Belle) Darnell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Darnell, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs.
William G. Darnell, Murphy, N.C.; Mr. William G. Darnell Tampa, Mr. Randolph Ellis Darnell, Atlanta: Mrs.
Martha Darnell Fox, Wilmington, N.C.; two great grandchildren, Gordon Darnell MI, Cone Darnell, Tampa, are invited to attend graveside services for Mrs. Edgar J. (Belle) Darnell Saturday, Feb. 3, 1979, 3 p.m., in Dawn Memorial Park. Rev.
Wayne Tucker will officiate. Pallbearers assembie at the funeral home at 2:45 p.m. Horis A. Ward, Inc. DODD Mr.
James M. (Jimmy) Dodd of dale, died Feb. 1, 1979. A.C. 6964 W.
Fayetteville 1 RiverHemperley Sons. FAGAN The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Otis M. Fagan, Miss Annette Fagan, Mrs.
Ann Seavers, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Fagan, Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene T. Mr. and Mrs. Otis W. Fagan, Mrs.
Mary Harvill, grandchil dren, are invited to the funeral of Mr. Otis M. Fagan, Saturday at 2 o'clock at Couch's Riverside Chapel. Interment, New Smyrna Cemetery. A Allen Couch Son.
FORRESTER Mrs. Gerald (Dianne) Forrester, Route 5 Austin Fayetteville, died Feb. 1, 1979. She is survived by her husband, Mr. Gerald Forrester, her son, Jeremy Forrester, Fayetteville, parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Thomas, Atianta, grandmother, Mrs. Bessie Jenkins Gadsden, brother, Mr. Ronnie Thomas, Lit burn. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Feb.
3 at 2:00 p.m., Kenwood Baptist Church, Rev. Joe Carroll will officiate. Interment, Westview. Carl J. Mowell Son, Fayetteville.
FOUNTAIN Miss Mattie Fountain, age 81 of Highway 20, Lawrenceville, passed away Feb. 1, 1979. She is survived by sister, Mrs. Ophelia Sheinutt, Lawrenceville, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held LODGE NOTICE A called meeting is scheduled Saturday.
Feb. 1979, 9 a.m. at Tucker Lodge No. 42 F. A.M., Tucker, Ga.
10 confer the F. FC. Degree. Breakfast will be served al 7:30 a.m. Master Masons invited.
OLLIE BRITT, FRED STROSNIDER, Secty. LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC SALE One (1) 1977 International Truck Model COF4070, E2327GGA24956 is to be sold al a public sale Monday, February 12, 1979 at 11:00 a.m. at International Harvester Company, 3799 Brownsmill Road, Atlanta, Georgia 20354. The unit may be inspected Monday through Friday during normal business hours International Harvester Company. Allanta, Terms of sale be cash or certified funds.
Sealed bids or offer to purchase may be accepted prior to this sale. Forward 1o Harvester Credit Corporalion, 3350 Northlake Parkway. Georgia 20045 the allention of Mr. R. M.
phone Sealed from food service received by the Coastal Area and Develcoment Commission's Project Elderly. PO. Bor Brunswick, Georgia 12.30 Time in C. son God state Ga, nent, Friday Hampton af in Carter 1:30 services remains 3 held p.m. for officiate p.m.
of placed 2 Church 1 Christian Gaines- inter- p.m. Edna Dan in of Son, James Friday. Atlanta, Foneral S. Surviving Lisa Alice Feb. services Lilycrop, 2.
died F. her Chambers, granddaughters, at Harris, of Jan. 2 will Harris, Palm daughter, 2911 31, be o'clock both sisters, Pharr held of Until Time on love you -MARBLE FUNERAL NOTICES Saturday afternoon, Feb. 3 at 2 o'clock at Wages Oak Lawn Chapel. Rev.
Jack Gillespie officiating, interment, Prospect United Methodist Church Cemetory. The remains are at Wages Oak Lawn Chapel. Tom M. Wages Funeral Service, Inc Lawrenceville. FUNDERBURK Funeral services for Mrs.
Minnie P. Funderburk of 2036 Meadow Atlanta, will be held Saturday at 11 o'clock from the chapel. Mr. Bill Spurlock officiating, interment, Westview Cemetery. She is survived by her daughters, Mrs.
A.J, Larsen, Everett, Mrs. R.J. Edwards, Atlanta; Mrs. B.F. Norton, LaGrange; Mrs.
J.S. Crawford, Mrs. H.D. Camp, Mrs. Lollie Gerald, Mrs.
Charles Marino, Atlanta: Mrs. P.W. Bennett, Jonesboro; sons, James W. Funderburk, Atlanta; Jesse Funderburk, Forest grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Thomas Scroggs, Parkway Garden Chapel, Forest Park, 366-3522.
FUSS Mr. Jerrell age 41, 4317 Mercer Decatur, died Feb. 1, 1979. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Rebecca Kennedy Fuss, chitdren, Mr.
Mark Fuss, Master Kevin and Misses Tonya and Stephanie Fuss, Decatur, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Fuss, Buford, brothers, Mr. Roy Fuss, Stone Mountain; Mr. Harry Lee Fuss, Jonesboro, sister, Mrs.
Virginia Murray, Buford, father and mother in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Stone Mountain, several aunts and uncles. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, Feb. 3 at 2.
o'clock from Wages-Mundy Chapel. Rev. Randy Hardeman, Rev. Ralph Easterwood will officiate. Marta employees will serve as honorary escort and assemble at the chapel at 1:45 p.m.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Georgia Oncology Hematology Research Clinic, 315 Boulevard, N.E., Suite 400, Atlanta, Ga. 30312. Interment, Melwood. Wages Mundy, Stone Mountain. GRANADE Mr.
Walker Granade, 2101 Zelda N.E., died Feb. 1, 1979. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edna M. Granade, Atlanta, son and daughter inlaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Mercer Walker Granade, Decatur, daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Decatur, two grandchildren, Mr. Matthew Walker Granade, Miss Amanda Hope Granade.
Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at Briar Lake Baptist Church. Rev. J. Hoffman Harris, Dr. Wallace Alston will officiate, interment, Granade Cemetery, Conyers, Ga.
The remains will lie in state at 10:30 o'clock. Those desiring may send contributions to Men's Bible Class of Briar Lake Baptist Church. A.S. Turner Sons. GROSS Graveside services for Miss Bertie Gross, 756 Amdersterdam Ave.
N.C., Atlanta, will be held Friday, Feb. 2, 1979 at 2:30 p.m. in Brownwood Cemetery. Sandersville, Ga. Mayo Funeral Home.
IRVIN Mrs. Roxie Irvin of 2897 Macon S.E., died 1, 1979. Survived by daughters, Mrs. James W. (Louise) Roberts, Kannapolis, N.C.; Mrs.
M.R. (Stella) Mabry, Mrs. H.R. (Mae) Fairchild, Reidsville, N.C., sons. Mr.
Mack K. Davis, Detroit, Mr. Floyd C. Davis, Douglasville, 24 grandchildren, brother, Mr. Ted Lunsford, sisters, Mrs.
Callie Campbell, Mrs. Annie Lee Goforth, Kannapolis, N.C. Mrs. Maggie Hooper, Huntsville, N.C.; Mrs. James Goodnight, Concord, N.C.; Mrs.
Mae Burris, N.C. 3, Cleveland Baptist Funeral services Saturday, Feb. Church, 4 p.m., in state 3 p.m., Rev Harold Proctor officiating. Interment, Westview. A.C.
Hemperley Sons. JOHNSON Mr. McKinley (Buck), 290 Paris Athens, died Jan. 29, 1979. Funeral Saturday, Feb.
3, at 1 p.m. from Hurley's Chapel, with Rev. H.D. Moon officiating. Interment, Brown Chapel Church Cemetery.
Hurley Funeral Home, Athens. JONES Mrs. Mabel W. of Atlanta, died Feb. 1, 1979.
Surviving is her husband, Mr. J. Owen Jones, Sr. Private services will be held Saturday, Feb. 3 at Oglethorpe Hill, Pastor Charles S.
Wessinger officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations to American Cancer Society. H.M. Patterson Son, 4550 Peachtree Rd. LAWRENCE Miss Christine of 994 Stovall NE died Feb.
1, 1979. Surviving are her sisters, Miss Elizabeth Lawrence, Mrs. H.A. Minor, Atlanta, several nieces and nephews. Interment services will be held Saturday, Feb.
3 at 10:30 o'clock at Decatur City Cemetery. Dr. Sam H. Coker officiating. Those who wish may make contributions to the American Cancer Society or Heart Fund.
H.M. Patterson Son, Spring Hill. MATHEWS Mrs. Mary 0. Mathews, Ft.
Lauderdale, formerly of Woodbury, died Jan. 27. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet, Ft. Lauderdale; brother, Mr.
Steve Owen, Woodbury. Graveside services will be held Saturday at eleven a.m. in Woodbury Cemetery. Rev. J.
D. Fergerson will officiate. Wade H. Gilbert Funeral Home, Woodbury. MINCEY Funeral services for Mrs.
Allene Mincey will be Friday, p.m. from our chapel. Rev. Mike Law- officiating, Interment will be Alta Vista Cemetery, ville, Ga. at McLane Funeral Home, MOBLEY MOBLEY Funeral Mrs.
Sweat Mobley. 92, Monroe, at will be the Monroe I Allen Couch Son RIVERSIDE CHAPEL FAGAN, Mr. Otis M. A.C.Hemperley Sons Four generations of service 761-2141 DODD, Mr. James M.
IRVIN, Mrs. Roxie MULLINS, Mr. Robert E. SMITH, Mr. Proctor A.
JONES, Mrs. Mabel W. LAWRENCE, Miss Christine PLUNKETT, Mrs. Louise PRESLEY, Mrs. Nelle H.
SNYDER, Mr. Joel S. TOMUNSON, Mr. Ernest, Sr. WATKINS, Mrs.
William A. Roswell Funeral Home OLIVER, Mr. Johnny L. Other Funeral Homes AUMILLER, Mr. Benjamin F.
BAUKNIGHT, Mr. Jesse P. CARY, Mrs. Pearl L. DARNELL, Mrs.
Edgar J. FORRESTER, Mrs. Gerald FOUNTAIN, Miss Mattie FUNDERBURK, Mrs. Minnie P. FUSS, Mr.
Jerrell E. GRANADE, Mr. I. Walker GROSS, Miss Bertie JOHNSON, Mr. McKinley MATHEWS, Mrs.
Mary 0. MOBLEY, Mrs. Edna PECK, Mrs. Nancy E. RAYBURN, Mrs.
Cassie P. SPENCE, Mrs. Helen L. WALDROP, Mr. John W.
WILSON, Mrs. Mamie WOLLNER, Miss Muriel F. Cemetery, Barrow County. Surviving are daughters, Mrs. H.J.
(Maggie) Dills, Mrs. L.G. (Mamie Brewer) Hayes, Mrs. R. Lee (Lois) McDaniel, Mrs.
Julius (Sally) Adcock, Mrs. Paul (Grace) Emerick all of Monroe, Mrs. J.C. (Dale) McDaniel, Bethlehem, Mrs. Dorsey (Willie) Montgomery, Covington; sons, Mr.
Herbert Mobley, and Mr. Raymond Mobley, both of Monroe; sister, Mrs. Maggie Perkins of Clarkston; 41 grandchildren; numerous great and nieces and nephews. Arthur Bowick, Funeral Directors, Monroe, Ga. MULLINS Mr.
Robert E. Mullins of 1443 Kinsey College Park, died Feb. 1, 1979. Survived by wife, Mrs. Jane E.
Mullins, daughters, Mrs. George A. (Linda) Christenberry, Ellenwood, Mrs. James (Donna) Redding, Conley, 5 grandchildren, brother, Mr. James Mullins, Atlanta.
Funeral services Saturday, Feb. 3, Hemperley's Chapel 11 a. m. Rev. Gilbert Steadham officiating, interment, Forest Hill.
A.C. Hemperley Sons. OLIVER The friends and relatives of Mr. Johnny Lamar Oliver, Mr. and Mrs.
John Dee Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Oliver, Roswell; Mr. and Mrs.
James A. Oliver, Ellijay; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Oliver, Salt Lake City, Utah; nieces and nephews, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr.
Johnny Lamar Oliver, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the chapel. Rev. Robert Allen, Rev. S.V. Conner, officiating, interment, Mt.
Oliver Church Cemetery. Roswell Funeral Home. PECK Mrs. Nancy Etta Hawes of 240 Summer Place, Norcross, passed away Dec. 26, 1978 after an extended illness.
Mrs. Peck was a native of Carlisle County, the daughter of the late Marks Briney Hawes and Sally Brown Hawes. She was the wife of the late George L. Peck. Mrs.
Peck had residence with her niece, Mrs. Janie Cowan Lloyd, in Norcross for a period of four months. Funeral services were held at 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 28 at the Milner-Phillips Funeral Home, Wickliffe, with Rev.
Leo Carter officiating. Burial in Spencer Heights Cemetery, Mounds, Mrs. Peck is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. PLUNKETT Mrs. Louise of 3518 Roswell N.E...
died Feb. 1, 1979. Surviving are her daughters, Miss Sharon Plunkett, Mrs. Bonnie Buday, Atlanta; 2 sisters, Mrs. Robert W.
Adams, Mrs. James J. O'Leary. Pittsburgh; grandson, Master Billy Barthlow, Atlanta, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Feb.
3 at 12:30 o'clock at Oglethorpe Hill. Rev. Terrence N. officiating. Interment.
Mulford Floral Hills. H.M. Patterson 4550 Rd. Peachtree PRESLEY Mrs. Nelle Harris, CL.
N.W., 1979. Mrs. are M. Chambers, Miss Miss Margaret A Miss Atlanta FUNERAL NOTICES Spring Hill, Rev. Cook Freeman, Rev.
George McMaster officiating, interment Arlington. H. M. Patterson Son. RAYBURN Mrs.
Cassie Pearl Rayburn, 2435 Clifton Springs Decatur, passed away. Funeral arrangements announced later. Horis A. Ward Inc. SMITH Mr.
Proctor A. Smith of 447 North Hapeville, died Feb. 1, 1979. A. C.
Hemperley Sons. SMITH Mrs. Wilhelmine Smith of 319 Camelot College Park, died Feb. 1, 1979. Remains were sent Friday, Feb.
2, to Springfield, N.J., for funeral and interment. A.C. Hemperley Sons. SNYDER Mr. Joel Spurgeon, of 3650 Ashford-Dunwoody died Feb.
1, 1979. Surviving are his wife, the former Charlotte Spellman, Atlanta, son, Mr. Joel S. Snyder, Ill, Mobile, stepson, Mr. Ronald J.
Post, Seattle, sister, Mrs. Hubert R. Jenkins, Fayetteville, N.C. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Feb. 3, at 2 o'clock at Oglethorpe Hill.
Rev. Father Martin D. Gable, Rev. Father David D. Dye officiating, interment Fayetteville, N.C.
In lieu of flowers donation to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Horne. H. M. Patterson Son, 4550 Peachtree Rd. SPENCE Mrs.
Helen Louise Spence age 53 of Elkhart, formerly of Lawrenceville, passed away Jan. 30, 1979. Mrs. Spence was the widow of Everett Spence, formerly of Lilburn, Ga. She is survived by daughter, Mrs.
Deborah Simmons; grandson, Shane Simmons, both of Elkhart, brothers, Mr. Jim Beavers, Atlanta, Mr. Joseph Beavers, Lawrenceville; several nieces, nephews, sisters-in-law, brothers in-law. Funeral services held Saturday afternoon Feb. 3 at 3 o'clock at Wages Oak Lawn Chapel, with Rev.
Carl Marshall officiating. Interment, Lilburn First Baptist Church Cemetery. The remains are at Wages Oak Lawn Chapel, Tom M. Wages Funeral Service Lawrenceville. TOMLINSON Mr.
Ernest P. of Atlanta, died Feb. 1, 1979. Surviving are his wife, son, Mr. Ernest P.
Tomlinson Houston, grandchildren, Mr. Charles Steven Tomlinson, Atlanta, Mr. Paul James Tomlinson, Houston, niece, Mrs. C. R.
McKenzie, Tampa. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Feb. 3, at 11:30 o'clock at Spring Hill. Dr. Monroe F.
Swilley Dr. C. Robert Marsh officiating. Interment Westview. H.
M. Patterson Son. WALDROP Funeral services for Mr. John W. Waldrop of Mableton, will be held Friday, Feb.
2 at 3 p.m. from the First United Methodist Church in Villa Rica with Rev. Terry Phillips officiating. In lieu of flowers, contriburions may be made to the Heart Fund. Interment, Hillcrest.
Survivors include his wife, children, Mr. Danny Waldrop, Mr. Benny Waldrop, Villa Rica; Mr. Scott Waldrop, Miss Glenda Waldrop, both of Mableton, mother, Mrs. Zelma Williams, Austell, father.
Mr. John Waldrop, Villa Rica, brother, Mr. Jack Waldrop, Villa Rica, nieces, Nrs. Deborah Holland, Niss Denise Waldrop, Villa Rica. Jones Sons, Villa Rica.
WATKINS Mrs. William A. (Pauline of Atlanta, died Feb. 1, 1979. Surviving are her son, Mr.
William A. Watkins granddaughter, Miss Laura P. Watkins, Atlanta. Interment services will be held Saturday, Feb. 3, at 2 o'clock at Westview, Dr.
Harold D. Zwaid officiating. H. M. Patterson Son, Spring Hill.
WILSON Funeral services for Mrs. Mamie Lee Wilson of 3828 Boulder Park S.W., will be held Saturday, Feb. 3, 1979 at 1 p.m. at Elizabeth Chapel, Dawson's Mortuary. Bishop T.P.
Burrus officiating, interment, Lincoln Cemetery. She is survived by husband, Mr. Warren Wilson, uncles, Mr. Olin Brown, Mr. Paul Brown, aunts, Mrs.
Blanche Ivey, Mrs. Ruby Daniels, all of Atlanta, sisters-in-law, Mrs. Evie Venson, Tampa, Mrs. S.C. Brooks, Sparta, Mrs.
Christine Magruder, Augusta, brothers-in-law, Mr. Sammie Wilson, Augusta, Mr. Alfred Wilson, Sparta, Mr. Jamie Wilson, St. Petersburg, Mr.
Elisia Wilson, St. Petersburg, Fla. and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Alfonso Dawson Mortuary, 3000 M.L. King Jr.
S.W. WOLLNER Miss Muriel Frances Wollner, 750 Dalrymple N.W. died Feb. 1, 1979. Surviving are parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Wolf ner, Atlanta; sister Mrs. Rochelle Teitelbaum, Marietta; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Graveside services will be held Sunday, Feb. 4, 1979 at 12 noon at Greenwood Cemetery.
Rabbi David H. Auerbach, Cantor Isaac Goodfriend officiating. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to American Cancer Society or favorite charity. Green Lawn Funeral Directors, 1270 Spring St. N.W.
IN MEMORIAM in memory of Roy Beckham, 3 years heaven. Three years, an, eternity, fo those who were left behind. The sharp shard, digging, constantly walls of our hearts. The ache that never the void that cannot be we again touch your hands and love your face We you querd us unit that We Dady BORG'S FLORIST, INC. 284-2121 ROBERTS-SHIELDS MEMORIALS 885-1188 Announcements 100 105 Funeral Notices 110 -Card of Thanks 115 In Memoriam Notices Legal Notices Cemetery Lots, Crypts Florists 140 -Travel, Tours, Transport -Nursing Homes, or Care -Home Medical Services -Nursery and Baby Sitters On The Town Personals -Share the Ride -Legal Services -Personal Interests 162-Health Care, Services -Articles Lost or Found 167-Pets lost, Missing 168 -Pets Found 170-Bids or Contracts Wanted Cemetery Lots, Crypts 130 CHESTNUT HILLS, 2 gravesites.
696-3754. CRESTLAWN. 4 grave lol, 2 with crypts, $1500. Evenings 892-5238. GEORGIA Memorial -Sacrifice lots, $200 each or 4 for $750.
393- 4439. GREEN Lawn Cemetery, Roswell, 4 grave lot. Pine Hill section, $795, Terms. 255-5649. RESTHAVEN, 4 prave $995.
Garden Of Atonement. 284-5964. WESTVIEW Abbey- Lower level, 2 double crypts. $2800. 455-0065.
WESTVIEW Cemetery, lots, sites each lot, Terrace F. $2,000 each lot. 478-5645, between 5-9 p.m, WESTVIEW Cemetery 4 Grave Lot. 521-3383; 522-4056. WESTVIEW Cemetery.
Garden of Devotion or grave lot for sell. 767- 7387. WEST VIEW, Masoleum, 2 crypts, tier lettered F. $3500 value, sell both $1695. 478-9815.
WESTVIEW. One grave lot. "Sermon on the Value $3,200, asking $1,250. 944-3130. WEST Section 44, Lol 580, $1000.
233-2682; 252-4814. WESTVIEW. Section 48-A, lot 68. 4 graves. Call 688-7831.
WESTVIE W. Section 44, Lot 580, $1000. 233-2682; 252-4814. 2 CHOICE Cemetery plots and vaults. Forest Lawn Cemetery.
College Park. $1500. Monday thru Friday 763-3105. After 5:00 and weekends, Mrs. Moore, 942-5803.
Travel, Tours, Transport 140 DRIVE CARS L.A.. San Fran, New Jersey. 255-4331. Home Medical Services 146 OR HOSPITAL 876-1576 Always Care Nso. Svc.
NURSES-RNs, LPNS, or aides To care for your special person in the home or hospital. Medical Personnel Pool 262-2323 HOME HEALTH CARE 24 LPNs. Sitters. Ins. bonded hr.
svc. Baby Sitters Nursery 150 CHAMBLEE 1-45. Babysitting in my home. 7AM-11PM. 4 days a week.
451-1580. CHAMBLEE. Will keep children my home. References. 458-9385.
Hot CLARKSTON Area. Babysitting. meals. References. By the day, week.
296-4729. DECATUR, Columbia and Peachcraft area. Nurse and mother with 18 years experience caring for children, would like to keep your infant or toddler in -a pleasant happy home. Days, evenings, also all night and weekends. attention.
furnished. $25 call week, references Please 289-3457. DORA CROSS. My home. Around 2 and up.
Days, two meals, fenced yard. 4 and 5 year old classes. Night shift, Monday thru Friday. 449- 9038. -DECATUR AREA Mother with current teacher's cerlificate will keep children in her home.
Monday through Friday. Kern Leathers, 634-5602. FAMILY day care. Monday-Friday. 7-6.
752- 9079. GRANT Park-All ages, evenings and weekends. References. 622- 9772. Drive.
Will keep children, my home. 289-5726. JONESBORO Child in my home. Day, week. 477-1727.
JONESBORO. Will babysit, my home, Monday-Friday. References. 477-6761. MABLETON, Experienced Christian mother wants to keep children full time, drop-ins, after school.
After 6 p.m. 941-0049. NORCROSS-TUCKER Area, childcare in my home. Day or night. 923-4579.
NORTHEAST, will keep babies and children in my home until 6, meals a day. Experienced. 377- 1680. N.W. home.
Infants. 696-5296. will babysit in my home, any age, anytime, hot meals, reasonable rates, experienced. 996-0625. RIVERDALE, will keep children in my home 477-6375.
S.E. Atlanta. Keep children in my home. 627-8585. SOUTHWEST- Will babysit with children, my home, weekends.
755- 9034. 524-6988. STOCKBRIDGE. Babysitting my home. Reasonable rates.
474-7504. WEST End. Keep children. Night. Licensed, Certified.
525-5021. BABYSITTER for (2) school age children. Must be responsible. Car and references a must. 252-1487.
CONVENIENT to Executive Park, Briarcliff, Clairmont. Child care, my home, 2 meals. 321-5144. LET us take care of your child day or night. Decatur area.
377- 0874. BABYSITTING. Ages 6 mos. to yrs. 8 to 5.
921-9398. LADY will babysit in her home. Southeast area. 622-9074. Personals 155 M.
JARRETT IS LOOKING FOR B. WIGFALL (BELT) please have him contact Anyone knowing his whereabouts 522-5302. COLLECTOR'S Albums- With Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley Johnny Cash on duel, on Sun Record This is a very special collector's edition on gold vinyl, its well worth the search for this album is hard to find, $20 ea. Proceeds will go to the Youth Center, Alpharetta, 475-4774; 992-0840. IT'S AUTO TAG TIME Get NO FAULT INSURANCE Too Many violations? Need SR22? Try us.
EASY PAY. Phone 522- 521-2116. AYCOCK REALTY INSURANCE DONATIONS TAX EXEMPT, all items, needy families. Immediate pick -up. SI.
Francis, days, 525-3472, nights, 522-6910. Furn. and appliances. BASSIST Available, just moved to Atlanta area from Columbus Ohio, looking for STEADY work in 6- night or weekend band, very versatile, can do lead harmony vocais. Call Bob 996-3276.
SEVERAL POSITIONS OPEN On Amateur Soccer Team For Serious Experienced Players. Please Call 325-5579 or 477-9424 Personals 155 -00 2380 50 209 ABANDONED 1973 Vega, IDIV15B3U456758, Florida 1ag BPE-120. Will be sold for storage February 2010 13th, 9 AM, Cabana Apts. Office, Curtis Allanta, Ga. 30319.
SECOND Year PGA touring Pro needs Sponsor. Tax benefits and possible profits. Parker Moore. Sherwood Forest. Laurens, SC.
803-984-0298. 15 BOX Sets of Elvis limited edition RCA 45's with picture sleeves. Only 30 sets left. $75 set, 15 records to a set. 475-4774.
992- 0840. CAMPBELL OF SMYRNA ALUMNI The green and white needs your help, call now, Warren Witte, 794- 6567; Fiorrie Bowles, 351-7946. CHARGER 1973 Abandoned 5625 Glenridge Will be sold for storage, WH23G3A 171892. 255-7537. CLASSMATES Friends of 1949 graduates of Fulton High School.
Contact Tom Taylor, 3850 Russell Smyrna, Ga. 30080. 436-9038. INSTANT CASH! WE BUY BOOKS RECORDS COMICS A BOOK NOOK 633-1328 NEED Financial help to take a very sick wife to Mayo Clinic, Rochester, on Feb. Call 377-6491 anytime.
Room 225. NURSE- wIN give room, board care to elderly lady in my homepleasant, 872-7385. surroundings, excellent DRUMMER Wanted for steady working, energetic, country rock band. 955-9063. ELECTRIC Trains Buying American Fiver- Lionel -Railroadarame- Memorabilia.
634-1447. HAPPY Birthday C.H.W. Just remember Love You. Love M.K.S. RONNIE McDowell fan club.
After 6, 427-1194, 432-1225. Box 43012, Atlanta, 30336. THE Womaniess Wedding, comedy. For 363-6306. WE PAY YOU to lose weight $1 per lb.
On the Shaklee Slim Plan. Call 455-1808. B.A. Miller, AKA "Porky" call Mel (912) 232-2281. DAYTONA 500 Race Tickets for sale.
Call 292-8572. ELVIS records. Best offer. 404- 468-8548 after 7pm. GOLD coin jewelry.
14K. Chains. Accessories. Below retail. 296-1473.
PRE RECORDED Video cassettes Beta VHS, PG XXX. 767-4764. QUITCLAIM on house. $5000. Move in.
243-4857. TRAINS: Highest Prices Paid for Lionel American Flyer 939-6244. Have A Nice Day Share the Ride 157 WILL Drive your car to England, early February. Mature, responsible military officer -sate driving record. Local references.
David, anytime, 996- 3210. Legal Services 158 LEGAL CLINIC OF CLARK HENRY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Initial Consultation No Charge Uncontested Divorce $95 Personal 3ankruptcy $147 Wage Earners Plan $147 Adoptions $150 Name Change $95 Plus Court Cost SERVING CLAYTON, COBB, DEKALB, GWINNETT FULTON COUNTIES (Other Counties Extra) OFFICES BUCKHEAD 519 East Paces Ferry 233-1311 100 COLONY SQUARE Suite 501, 14th Peachtree 892-4843 EAST POINT 2705 Church Street 762-7404 Credit Arrangements Available Hours: M--F. 9-7 Sat. by appt. DAVENPORT MOORE PC ATTORNEYS AT LAW UNCONTESTED FEE SCHEDULE FIRST INTERVIEW FREE Bankruptcy $125 Divorce $69 Adoptions $150 All types of cases handled, fees on request.
All attorneys graduates of American Bar Association approved schools, U.GA. and Mercer. Visa, charge accepted. Interstate 85 at N. Druid Hills Rd.
325-3022 Hours: 9-7; Sat. 10-2. LEGAL SERVICES Guy Gupton, Attorney At Law B.A. Vanderbilt University J.D. Emory University FEE SCHEDULE First Interview No charge Personal Bankruptcy $150 Uncontested Divorce $150 Other Fees Given On Request Major Credit Cards Accepted One Piedmont Center, Suite 505 3565 Piedmont Road, N.E.
261-1131 MARTIN L. COWEN I Attorney Al Law Riverdale Initial Consultation No Charge Uncontested Divorce $125 Uncontested Adoptions $150 Name Change $125 Plus Court Costs 7316 Hwy. 85 471-2200 VISA, MC, honored (Uncontested filing feel SMITH ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS Credit terms avail. Open Saturdays. 237-0388 LAWYER- -NOT A CLINIC 2 OFFICES DOWNTOWN -SANDY SPRINGS Rates quoted in advance.
Reasonable- No Obligation First interview Free. 659-0114 After 6:30 p.m. Personols 155 Month FOR PLASMA DONATIONS. YOUR NEW NEIGHBOR CAN HELP YOU EARN IT. $5 BONUS WITH THIS AD (First Donation Only) plasma alliance Phone 892-0396 1113 Spring N.W.
Georgi 491-3021. Coastal Aren't Room Mrs. with Beach Rev. will.